What We Do
Child Protection and Gender Based Violence: We are providing remote child protection and GBV case managment services and psychosocial support for children and adolescents using Linha Fala Crianca’s innovative approach in the central region of the country. The Linha Fala Crianca” is a national platform that allows free call through the hotline number 116
Women’s Economic Empowerment: Through our comprehensive approach, we prioritize enhancing women’s financial literacy and vocational skills, reshaping harmful gender norms, and promoting practices that uplift women. We provide crucial support to women-led enterprises and offer valuable start-up packages to foster entrepreneurship.
Positive Youth Development: Our programs leverage the universal appeal of soccer as the platform to reach adolescents during this critical time. Using soccer as the hook, we engage adolescents in making healthy decisions through our Three C’s: an adolescent-friendly and evidence-based health Curriculum, the supportive influence of local mentor and role model Coaches, and a fun, inclusive, and positive Culture.
Sexual and Reproductive Health, HIV and TB Rights: Since 2014, we are implementing integrated community-based interventions of combined prevention and care and treatment of HIV and TB and access to SRH services in partnership with the Ministry of Health, FDC (2014-2020), Pathfinder International (2018-current) to accelerate the response to HIV in Mozambique with funding from the Global Fund.
GCR is working towards the following United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): helping end the HIV/AIDS epidemic, ensuring good health, well-being and quality education for all, and achieving gender equality by 2030. GCR is committed to working in partnership with governments to address health inequities in the countries where it operates.

But much work lies ahead to achieve these goals…
GCR work in development, humanitarian response and conflict situations.
How GCR Makes A Difference
We inspire transformative change in the way the world treats girls and women with and without disabilities
Why GCR is uniquely placed…

Powerful Track Record of Experience and Impact
A powerful track record of experience and impact
Since GCR was founded in 2008, we have continued to innovate our model, expanded our scope (including offering electronic services such as remote case management) and integrated primary health care services. We have reached nearly 500,000 girls with HIV and SRH prevention messages, created jobs for nearly 1,000 people including those living with HIV, and those with disabilities.

Strong Partnerships
To increase our scale and impact, we build deep relationships with governments and other NGOs to deliver our services. We are committed to amplifying our impact through health systems strengthening, by providing technical assistance to government and implementing partners, as well as by advocating for accreditation and fair pay for community health workers.